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We have been writing and re-writing this post... It is not an easy announcement to make, but we have some important news. After much contemplation and numerous conversations, we have made the difficult decision to close down our brand, La Empanada. This closure has not been an easy decision to make but we must focus on our family.

For those familiar with our story, La Empanada started as a concept and slowly flourished as a small business with the spirit of large franchise. Our dedicated small team has been responsible for every facet of our business, from preparing the dough, packaging for supermarkets, delivering across ACT, setting up hundreds of markets and many more things. We have been going at it for nearly 8 years now. The burnout associated with owning and running a small business is real. The reason behind our decision is to focus on raising our two children while also being able to properly enjoy life with friends and family.

We would have never made it here today without your constant support. It's astonishing to reflect on how this journey began years ago, we started with a single foldable table at the markets trying to convince people to buy our empanadas. The business grew as did our team, we are extremely proud of everyone who helped us get to where we are today.

We are also thankful because without this opportunity we would have never met many many great people. We came to love and understand Canberra through the business and the many amazing experiences we were able to have through operating the business. We hope when we see you around Canberra we are able to catch up properly and discuss the great laughs we all enjoyed at La Empanada.

We can’t thank you enough for your continuous support over the past 8 years. You have seen us grow and supported us through every step of the way. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have experienced the loyalty in our community and grateful for the many friendships that were forged.

Once again thank you and we will see you around...

Signing off,
André, Andrea & La Empanada Crew